Saturday, September 24, 2011

Revelation 15 and 16

Revelation 15

So far in Revelation we have seen so many things. Now would be a good time to review all that we have learned... which is so much!

We see that Revelation 15 is another vision from

Revelation_15:2 :
The sea of glass is the laver (wash basin)
This laver was the one that priests would wash themselves in before entering the temple and wash offerings as well
These lavers could be quite large

Sea of Glass Mingled with Fire

Malachi_3:1-8Malachi_3:17-18 Malachi_4:1-6
According to these verses, the righteous get purified during the judgement of the wicked
Read Great Controversy chapter 24

Song of Moses

Exodus_15:1-19 Deuteronomy_32:1-22
In these verses the people are being scattered
We're not sure what the song of the lamb is about. We think that it is the song of the hundred and forty four thousand

Revelation 16:1-15
The seven last plagues
This is about the time of trouble (chapter 39 of Great Controversy)
In the seven last plagues, evil angels are going to be part of the destruction like in the story of Job, just with God's permission
When God closes probabtion, God is showing that he knows our hearts. The righteous will remain faithful to God and the wicked will not change

The Plagues (Pouring out of the vials)

First five plauges are litteral the last two are symbolic. They all have some symbolisim in them, anyway
Revelation_16:2 sores and dieses
Revelation_16:3 Sea became blood that killed the living things in the sea
Revelation_16:4 Rivers and fountains of water beocme blood
Revelation_16:8-9 The hot sun
Revelation_16:10-11 The kingdom was full of darkness
Revelation_16:12-16 The waters are dried up
Revelation_16:17 A voice from the throne in heaven saying "It Is Finished"

The sixth plague
The sixth plague says that the waters are dried up. Waters represent people.
The king of the east was Cyrus who set the Israelites free from Babylon
Satan uses tricks to get people to follow him by saying he is god
Th battle of Armageddon is in the sixth plague

We must be wide awake like the wise virgine
We need to understand the pouring out of the seventh vial in order to survive Armageddon
There is a great hail

The end of Babylon and the beginning of God's Kingdom
The stone that hits the feet of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream is "made without hands" which usually reffers to hail

The Seventh Plague

The coming of Christ

Revelation 15

Today we are studying Revelation 15. I don't know what it's about but I guess that's why we're here.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Study Notes: Revelation 14: 13-20

Rezooming Revelation 14 (14:13-20)

The Sabbath
Rev_14:13, Exo_20:8-11, Mat_11:28-30, Heb_4:1-11

-The Israelites couldn't enter into God's rest because they didn't have faith.

-The sabbath rest is given to us as a sign between us and God that might make us Holy.

-The Sabbath is just between us and God, it isn't for show to other people.


-The foundation that needs to be built up is our understanding of prophecy. The breech in God's law is the Sabbath law.

-In Revelation 14:13 the "rest from their labours" is the Sabbath.

What does it mean to die in the LORD?
1Co_15:15-30Baptism represents the death of the old man and being born as a new man


-So when it says to die in the LORD it refers to death to self, entering into God's rest and ceasing from our own works.
-Sabbath is the rest of sin.

Rev_14:14-This is the coming of Christ.
-He has the crown and the sickle

Revelation_14:15-20-We have two different harvests happening here.

Harvest of Wheat-This is the harvest of the righteous at Jesus' second coming.

Harvest of the Grapes-This is the harvest of the wicked at Jesus' second coming.
-The grapes were put in the "winepress" of God's wrath and the blood was very deep. This is to say that there are lots of wicked that are going to be destroyed.
Ezekiel_39:17-23, Isaiah_66:24

Revelation 14... again

Happy Sabbath.
This evening we will be continuing on in Revelation 14. There is so much in God's word that we have to take our time to understand and comprehend all we can. I will be posting our study notes from this study so that those who couldn't make it tonight can still get all that we, or all that I, learned. I will take as detailed notes as I can. I hope you have a wonderful Sabbath and a beatuiful study with God.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Study Notes

Revelation 14
~History will repeat itself.
Revelation 14:1  The hundred forty thousand were from the twelve tribes of Israel (non literal- different list refering to character traites.) They had a mark on the forehead- refering to Christ's character. They accepted God's word willfully.

First Fruits
The first fruits were people raised from the dead at Christ's ressurection and second coming. 1Corinthians15:16-20  James 1:18

Revelation 14:4-5  The hundred forty four thousand were not defiled by any woman. A woman is a Church.They have no sin.    

Jacob's Trouble
The time of Jacob's trouble is the persecution that the hundred forty four thousand will suffer. Jeremiah 30:3-10 Great Controversy pg.615-620 explains about Jacob's trouble and humble account of sin to an angel of God. God needs people to go through these experiences. Great Controversy pg. 626 paragraph 4                                                                                

Revelation 14:6-7  This angel is delivering the first angels message as the first angel.To follow God, fear him and keep his commandments (esspecially Exo_20:8-11).
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

Revelation 14:8 This is the second angle's message declaring Babylon is fallen. Churches closed the door on the message in June 1842  proclaimed in 1843.

Revelation 14:9-12 This is the third angle's message which is to the followers of Satan warning about the mark of the beast.

Time of the End
Daniel 11:36-40: The king of the south are athiests (Egypt) The king of the north is the Papacy(Rome). Thessalonians 2:1-9

Studies Resume

We're Back!!!
Starting today, September 3, we will resume having our upper-room bible studies.
We are on Revelation 14 dealing with the mark of the father and the three angles messages.
Hope you can make it!